What is the mission of the Njokuti Foundation?
The Njokuti Foundation aims to support children with a handicap in underdeveloped countries and enables them to obtain a full-fledged position in their community. By assisting hospitals during surgery, and rehabilitation centers during the rehabilitation treatment, we try to increase the chances of these children. So far, most of our efforts have been for handicapped children in Noord Tanzania and since 2014 in Northern Uganda as well.
Most of the Foundation members have worked in Tanzania or Kenya in the past and their experience is extremely useful for the goals of Njokuti. Some of the children are born with clubfeet. Without treatment en rehabilitation their future is bleak. Early treatment means an essential difference in their future. Other children suffer from fluorosis of the skeleton. This is a disease of the bone due to high concentrations of fluoride in their drinking water and probably a shortage of calcium in their foods. Usually, a shortage of fluoride only causes a dark discoloration of the teeth (called Zebra teeth). However, in North Tanzania it also causes serious bone malformations in the legs that make normal walking impossible.
Finally, there are many children with chronic bone infections (osteomyelitis), serious burn injuries, bullet wounds and mutilations particularly in the Northern Uganda where for many years a terrible war raged. All these children want only one thing: participate and be counted in. The Njokuti Foundation want to help them. With your help they will have a chance !